Saturday 17 January 2015

Are you really defined by who you are?

Well. This question, a barely easy one to be asked , faces its complexity only when faced or in other words, answered. There is a clean difference between the questions posed to you and the questions that you pose to yourself. In fact in many cases they might be a same question, but would differ in the angle in which it is approached. One such example is the homespun statement "What is the definition of you?". From this article I don't intend to derive a periphrasis, but what I want to clearly convey through this is that are all of us defined by the way we are , when questioned to ourselves?, literally meaning that can you still stay independent and defined by yourself when in a troglodytic situation, not accompanied by your clan?. Well, that surely demands a lot of courage and confidence. 
                                           To most of us ( inclusive of me), a normal day like any other one would not surpass without roaming with our own folks. It is a human tendency to get along in groups the minute you are free. Just recollect the instances such as in school and college, where the moment we know we are put to no work, we gather in groups ( here I mean more than one itself as a group). This surrounding groupism not only ends with the free time but also continues beyond thoughts. There occurs few times where you may always be surrounded by your own sweet friends , pampered and praised by few of them, having the out of the world kind of fun that you would never have had in life. That moment may make you feel that you have got the best of the best that any could deserve. Imagining such a situation itself gives you the sheer happiness and that furore. In fact you could go to that extreme level where you cannot stay a second without your group and sometimes letting them occupy the prominent part of your life.These things would undoubtedly drive you to give that instant reply to the previously stated question- I am defined by my friends or the dear ones I have.Even a minute without them might make you weak and lonely.
                                           Okay. Now coming to the real essence of this article, I am not mentioning this to put down that spirit in you, nor do I state this to invoke that sarcasm about the ones who accompany you. In a real world situation, when you are alone, all alone with no one to stay with you, would you still define yourself with that above stated reply? What I really intend to convey is that always situations do not butter up smoothly. There might be situations in life where you are really facing it in solitary. So it is high time that each one of us should be defined by who really we are, by our potential, by our confidence, by our aims , in other words by our degree of independence. It is always healthy to spend time alone for it might tell you how to be alone and face life individually rather than  defined by another person. Learn to handle things your way, for you may not always be surrounded by the people speaking your opinions and taking your decisions and don't ever let that too.
Now have you realized to which category you belong? If so act promptly by just considering this article  as a sign of a healthy tip for a good life.  

Thursday 15 January 2015

That one step towards a social cause

All of us in this world are blessed to be born as humans. With many stories telling us the need of God creating the humans, the truth that stands apart is that to help each other and build a healthy and peaceful generation. Right from the olden days to this milieu, there has always been a ghetto in the minds of people that turned them to be very conservative and putting down their social thinking ability. Always it is believed that the children form the future of our nation. But today with the statistical data of our nation showing a huge rise in the number homeless, illiterate, underprivileged children it is ironical to sustain without taking any measures to overcome it. Also our country is facing major crisis of pollution and death tolls due to epidemic diseases, putting us in threat. So there comes a call for the responsible actions of us, in order to take a step towards the burning social issues.                                                
                           Being a college student, one most common and the simplest medium that one can adopt is nurturing knowledge and inculcating that learning process in many young minds. I was extremely happy when this was met by the “Teach A School” event of my college's EDC( Entrepreneurship Development Cell) .I am very proud for being a part of it as it taught me what real happiness and pleasure means. It was at that time I felt that imparting knowledge and teaching a piece of something that we know, would go long miles in creating a brighter future for these young kids. Also current data shows that there are many children who are still deprived of their primary education. If we could just take that one step in spending our leisure time with these kids, teaching and enjoying with them, I am sure that it will give you the feeling of life’s fulfillment.  All that it requires is the social interest and that hand of yours which is ready to be lent out for helping. This project would surely bring a massive change in the society if carried out at a faster pace with more people joining hands in building a better future.
                             Another way to extend this support of ours is organizing a fund raising event, where each of us can put in an affordable sum, contributed to resolve the problems of illiteracy, malnutrition, cure of deadly diseases and many other burning issues. This little effort of ours may go to the zenith of improving the lives of many, providing the basic necessities like food, education, medicines etc for many underprivileged people. Well, isn’t this something that is possible by each of us? One can also indulge in the activities that involve collecting stationeries, eatables and basic requirements for daily life and distribute it to the needy students and people.
                           Periodic visits to old age homes and homes for the destitute children in order to distribute the above collected things, sweets, clothing and many other items may also suffice to provide happiness to the one giving and receiving. For isn’t life build on that giving and receiving? Yes, this small outreach of ours may do wonders in the lives of destitute children, who believe that they have many sisters and brothers reaching out to them in need, and also for the old people, who may take each of us as a grandson/granddaughter, feeling satisfied and giving us their well wishes. So this small act if ours not only proves beneficial for the society, but also for us, helping us to receive abundant happiness and pleasure.
                          Yet another way is to raise your voice towards any awareness programs conducted across the city. There are many happenings which include the ones like Go green campaign, Fighting cancer, polio awareness, beach cleanups and rallies. By being a part of such prime programs, one can aid in spreading the word among the people so that there comes more involvement.

                          Finally, the thought conveyed is that this little contribution of ours towards a social cause can accrue and result in a million hands joining a project, in improving our surrounding and the nation at large. So it is important that we become sensitive to the needs of the people around us, for giving and sharing forms the woven parts of our lives. Being a part of a social cause is more like a bouncing ball! For a bouncing ball, more the force you put in throwing it, the faster it reaches you. Similarly, more the effort you put in to help people, the faster it reaches you as happiness, pleasure and contentment in disguise. So at least this year, all of us should make it a point to involve in any social event and take that one step towards a social cause.