Tuesday 9 February 2016


        Why this topic out of all ? So am I going to go back to the bit of Physics that each of us would have learnt during our school days? Kaleidoscope is an instrument where three mirrors are set at 60 degrees ....blah blah . But hey wait! I'm not going to take this concept in a physics oriented way. So now , coming back to my first interrogation, as to why this topic - Because Life is a Kaleidoscope!

         I can validate this statement. Let me explain what I've to say. So what does this Kaleidoscope do? It has bits of glasses , bangles , colorful beads and other types of glittery accessories filled within a tube like structure. Now , take the kaleidoscope in your hand and rotate it. Keep doing this continuously. What do you see ? As you rotate it , light strikes on the surface of the tube like structure and the various fillers within this instrument reflect light and hence portray colorful patterns. Woah! Just a small construction with easily available materials . But how come we get different variants? Keep changing the position. Rotate and witness the beautiful patterns.

       You can ask me how this is coalesced with our lives. For each of us , our life is easily available. But the fact is that we do not use the full potential of life and hence it goes as waste. It is important to understand that life is vicissitudinous. Yeah , keep changing your patterns in life. Try something new and take up a new activity. Break what is called routine. Yes , routine is boring! Crazy is fun. Give your views , your activities , your habits, your mindset and finally yourself , a makeover. Have you understood now? Your life is a Kaleidoscope. The more you keep altering it , just like the positional change in the latter , you get more beautiful outcomes in life. Nice right ? :)