Monday 11 January 2016

You're worth it!

Caution:  The following is a story which is creative and not a real one. Enjoy and read fully to understand the thought delivered.

                At last the wait was over. It was time for the organs to confab and discuss about their functioning and well-being. The first few ones to engage in the conversation were - the heart, the lungs and the stomach. The blood was always a tête-à-tête companion for each of these organs and it also entered to listen to their conversation. The blood thought that this was yet another normal meet, but things were different much to the surprise of the blood. The heart started complaining that it was the only organ, despite being small in size did much of the work by regulating blood flow. It said that it was bored of being the only one to do the entire job and also sulked at being only about a fist's size. The heart wanted to take the function of the lungs, for it considered the lungs to perform the most easiest and superior job. Hearing this , the lungs got infuriated. It exclaimed that it had the most tiresome job of handling carbon-di-oxide and oxygen. It also wanted a role change, and this time a change with the stomach's function. The stomach on hearing this was happy for the fact that it no longer had to secrete acids to digest food, a boring mundane job. It was already planning to take up the heart's role and  was so excited to perform the lubb-dubb action. 

                  Having been hearing the conversation quietly, the blood didn't know how to respond. It tried to explain to the organs that each of them had importance and that each of them were unique to be compared. But all the talks were useless. The organs already took their decision to change roles and they were waiting for the consent of the blood. Now the blood was confused. It reached the brain to ask what should be done. The brain understood the complexity of the situation and told the blood that there was no other means than for the organs to realize their importance themselves. So it told the blood to accept this change , but on one condition- It should still flow only in the appropriate amounts into each organ as it earlier did , without any concern about the new role. When the blood conveyed the news to all its fellow unsatiated organs, all of them were overwhelmed. They did not care about the future consequences and all they wanted was to step in to the shoes of another organ, whose work they thought was superior and easier than their's. 

                 The day one of their new roles began. The blood flowed through the stomach ,in the same amount that it would flow to the heart earlier. The stomach could not handle this. It was just a fleshy organ with no valves, unlike a heart. It didn't know how to regulate the blood flow to it's fellow friends. There was only a single inlet and outlet for the stomach and it struggled very much. That moment, it felt lost. Yes, it wanted to return back to its original form. Meanwhile, blood saw that the lungs were incapable of secreting acids. It tried its level best, but it could not. It was connected to the wind pipe rather than food pipe. So all it could do was nothing but repent for its impetuous behavior. When blood flowed through the heart , the heart did not know how to perform for it could not convert the gases. It could not function like how the lungs would do and was clueless of how to obtain and send the gases. All the three organs could no longer retain their positions. They immediately called the blood and apologized for the blunder that they did. This time, each of the organs understood its worth and also realized that it was unique and that no other organ could imitate its role. The blood thanked the master brain for its timely help.

                     Well, the above story is just out of creation but to deliver a strong thought. I would like to juxtapose each of the heart, lungs and stomach to the people. Also I would like to compare the blood to the situations/experiences and the brain to the lives of people. Many a time, people forget to realize how important they are and they try to imitate others. In the process of becoming like others, they tend to loose themselves. When we forget to be ourselves , it is then that life would give us experiences/situations that make us understand our worth. It is then that we understand that we are unique and that no one can take over our ideas , our thoughts , our efforts and our being. It's high time that we realize the statement- "It's our differences that make us unique and beautiful".