Monday 6 October 2014

The Power of Acceptance

Well! Am back with another tale. I hope this tale would help you all , in your life's nadirs as well as in situations beyond your control!.

               It's human psychology to expect and in turn get disappointed with many things ! All of us are familiar with the adage "Expectations hurt". True to its meaning, it does turn the right litmus in many incidents .Not all happenings of your life ,can get its sugar coating. Few incidents may land you up in complete despair , especially when not tasting the success , as you would have worked to your zenith to achieve it. When faced such a situation , the apt call would be to think what it has done to you personally and try to rectify it , rather than rooting to its cause, as brooding over the past never yields.
             For those people out there , who are in a snafu, panicked and are in search of a solution, here's a tip! The six lettered word " accept " is no new to us! Well , this article is just a kindling , so that you actually put to use, the other meaning of accept, the needed, for the one in need!  Accept means, literally that , accept any situation! Say for instance, your day is bad, or your results are down, or your expected moment never arrived,or something fails, or all your deeds are never fruitful, don't worry! Just calm down and think of the word accept! Just take things the way it turns out! Do not grumble for such abysmal incidents , instead , if you accept the way it turns out and try to improvise the solution, and rise back with a bang next time,  I am sure that the nectar of success becomes yours! If on the contrary, you get upset and lose hope, this may yield you nothing other than a situation where you tend to hate yourself. So the miracle that this simple word "accept" can do is far beyond imagination! It makes you grow optimistic as well as gives you the mindset and temerity to face much more harder phases of your life ! And whoa! You can also start convincing people and helping them out with their problems! Isn't that cool? So guys , try adopting this simple mantra and see the changes in you , for the better way !

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